


  • 布坎南总统就职演说(1)


    Fellow-Citizens:  I appear before you this day to take the solemn oath that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States an[db:cate]

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  • 克林顿第一任总统就职演说(3)


    This beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and calculation Powerful people maneuver for[db:cate]

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  • 富兰克林·皮尔斯就职演说(3)


    The great objects of our pursuit as a people are best to be attained by peace, and are entirely consistent with the tranquillity and interests of the[db:cate]

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  • All Americans have witnessed this idealism, and so

    All Americans have witnessed this idealism, and so

    In Americas ideal of freedom, the exercise of rights is ennobled by service, and mercy, and a heart for the weak Liberty for all does not mean indep[db:cate]

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  • 泰勒总统就职演说(2)


    As American freemen we can not but sympathize in all efforts to extend the blessings of civil and political liberty, but at the same time we are warne[db:cate]

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  • 布坎南总统就职演说(2)


    The whole Territorial question being thus settled upon the principle of popular sovereignty——a principle as ancient as free government itself——everyth[db:cate]

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  • 美国最年轻总统肯尼迪的就职演说(1)


    Mr Speaker, Mr Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a[db:cate]

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  • 美国第一位黑人总统奥巴马胜选演说全文(中英文对照版)(


    Obama:奥巴马:Change Has Come To America 美国的变革时代已到来 Hello, Chicago 芝加哥的市民们,你们好! If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place wher[db:cate]

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  • 美国最年轻总统肯尼迪的就职演说(2)


    To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge--to convert our good words into good deeds--in a new alliance for proGREss--to[db:cate]

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  • 美国最年轻总统肯尼迪的就职演说(3)


    In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course Since this country was founded, each gener[db:cate]

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  • ××在县级机关乒乓球比赛开幕式上的致词



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  • 在乡村青年文化节开幕式上的致辞


    在湖北省第四届十大杰出青年农民颁奖大会暨湖北省第七届乡村青年文化节开幕式上的致辞*xx县委副书记 xxx ( 2004年12月4日)尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,青年朋友们:古泽大地迎盛会,万众欢歌唱丰收。今天,湖北省第四届十大杰出青年农民颁奖仪式暨第七届乡村青年文化节开幕式在古泽云梦隆重举行,这是58[db:cate]

    浏览:109 热门资讯
  • 赞歌献给伟大的中国共产党



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  • 克林顿:2009元旦祝辞(1)


    “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we celebrate The change of centuries, the dawning of a new millennium are now just minutes away  “We celebrate the pa[db:cate]

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  • 克林顿:2009元旦祝辞(2)


    “And perhaps most important, it will require us to share with our fellow Americans and, increasingly, with our fellow citizens of the world, the econo[db:cate]

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  • Economical Globalization & Development of China-研

    Economical Globalization & Development of China-研

    Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Zhang Botao, I am from Shaanxi University of Science & Technology When I stand here to deliver my sp[db:cate]

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  • future


    Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m stan[db:cate]

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  • 再就业给我创造辉煌


    尊敬的各位领导、朋友们: 眼下,最热门的话题莫过于“下岗”了。今无,我就给大家说说我做了一名下岗女工,重新谋职,实现人生价值的故事。 我叫单峰,原是如皋市服装总厂的一名工人,在厂里做裆案管理工作,多次被市档案局评为档案管理先进工作者,并取得“助理馆员”的职称。然而,随着96年9月工厂的破产,我走进了[db:cate]

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  • 2010毕业致辞


    毕业致辞 时光荏苒,岁月如梭,转眼间大学四年的时光如白驹过隙,匆匆而过。在这即将毕业的时刻,我想大家的内心都充满了无限的感慨和淡淡的忧伤,因为我们马上就毕业了!天下从来就无不散的宴席,我们终归是要离别的,但同学之间的情谊可是一辈子都不能忘的啊!看看我们周围吧!朝夕相处了四年的同学啊!在一起有过快乐,[db:cate]

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  • Adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights

    Adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights

    Mr President, fellow delegates:The long and meticulous study and debate of which this Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the product means that[db:cate]

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  • Bush:New steps to help homeowners

    Bush:New steps to help homeowners

    (September 1,2007)Good morning This week, I met with Housing Secretary Jackson and Treasury Secretary Paulson to discuss the economy and the turbulen[db:cate]

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  • Should we borrow money from our friends

    Should we borrow money from our friends

    It’s a sunny day, you come to do shopping with your good friend in company, and see a lovely dress that you feel like buying Searching carefully into[db:cate]

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  • One Acacia Italy, but is heartbroken tone

    One Acacia Italy, but is heartbroken tone

    One Acacia Italy, but is heartbroken toneThis season, though very slight, but ghd hair there was not withstand frost, the palm leaves swaying in the b[db:cate]

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  • That morning the fish jumped

    That morning the fish jumped

    That morning the fish jumpedSeeing it leap, Santiago five fingers shoes knew he had hooked the biggest marlin he had even seen Then the fish playgrou[db:cate]

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  • Enchanting, Death to Love

    Enchanting, Death to Love

    Enchanting, Death to LoveCatkins in April floated the air force one classroom in the afternoon sun, falling on my fingertips spread commercial playgro[db:cate]

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