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题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 等级
(    )1. A.dog      B.cat      C.rabbit        
(    )2.  A. feel     B. feet     C. foot
   (    )3. A.cap      B. cat     C. class      
  (    )4.  A. hair     B. hurt     C. head
   (    )5. A.June     B. July    C. January      
(    )6.  A. I        B. your     C. my
   (    )7. A.should   B. tomato  C. potato      
 (    )8.  A.meat      B.bread     C. some
   (    )9. A.arm      B. tail    C. turtle     
  (    )10. A. year     B. wear   C.birthday
  (   )1. A. My name is Sue.      B. My family name is White.    
(   )2. A. My hand hurts.      B. My arm hurts.                
(  )3. A. I like my fish.                     B. I like my turtle.
 (   )4. A. I want chicken and tomatoes.     B. I want cakes and milk.
  (   )5. A. I wear my shoes and sweater. B. I wear my cap and coat.
三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.10分
(    )1. This sweater is made of wool
(    )2、Sheep give us cotton.
(    )3、My family name is sun
(    )4、What’s the weather like in beijing?
(    )5、When is your birthday?
(    ) This sweater is made of wool(   )What do you want for lunch?
(    ) I’m looking forward to seeing you (    ) My birthday is in May. 
(    ) what should I wear  ?   (    )This dress is make of silk
(    ) My family name is Sun.  (    )When is your birthday?.
(    ) What’s your family name?   (    ) What’s the matter?
(   ) 1. 1.you should wear your______
        A. sports shoes   B.shoes  C.sports
 (   ) 2. Whats your  ______?
        A. name   B.family name   C. his name
(   ) 3. My ____ hurts.  
A. nose    B. foot    C. arm
(   ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?
        A. come   B.go   C. run
(   ) 5. Im _____  years old.   A. 10    B.9    C. 8
(   ) 6.What do you want for  ____ ?A.lunch B.breakfast  C. dinner
(    ) 7.Do you like _____ ?A.meat    B.potatoes   C.chicken
(    ) 8.Plants  ____  us cotton.A.give     B.gives       C.offer
(   ) 9.I want some _____.A.meat  B.milk     C. potato
(  )10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?
A.look like B.like  C.likes
(   ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月(   ) 2. 嘴A.mouth  B. mouce
(   ) 3.wear  A.穿 B.脱           (  ) 4.年级 A.class   B.grade
(   ) 5. pet  A.宠物   B.兔子  (  )6. 短裤 A.short    B. shorts
(   ) 7. bread  A.面包 B.肉        (   ) 8.年龄 A. age    B. ade
(   ) 9. help  A.帮助  B.谢谢(   )10.美味的 A.party  B. delicious
二.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项 10分
(    )1. A. arm     B. age        C.leg
(    )2 A. grade     B. wear      C.class
(    )3 A.cake       B.snake       C.fruit
(    )4 A.meat       B.coat        C.cap
(    )5 A.May     B.June          C.party
三. 选择题,读下列句子,将正确序号填在题前的括号里。10分
  (    )1. I ____  a rabbit.     A. have       B. has       C. it
  (    )2. It ___ big eyes .     A.is          B. am        C. has
  (    )3. _____ birthday is in August.       
          A.I           B. My        C. you  
 (    )4. I am 8 _____old.                      
         A. year        B. ear        C. years
 (    )5. I’m _____ Class 2.                   
 A. An          B. a          C. in
 (    )6. I have _____ hair.                  
   A. small       B.long        C.big
 (    )7.  _____ the matter .                    
A. What’s     B. How        C. When
 (    )8. My birthday is _____ January.         
 A. to          B. in         C. at
 (    )9. What do you want _____ dinner ?      
  A. to          B. at         C. for
 (    )10._____cold and snowy today.A.it’s  B. is
(    )1. A. head     B. have   C. hair          
(    )2. A. bread    B. class  C. cake 
(    )3. A. wear     B.rabbit  C. dog              
(    )4. A. small     B. big    C.you
(    )5. A. July      B. June   C.jacket         
 (    )6. A. tomato    B. name   C. potato
(    )7. A. long      B.cap   C. gloves
五. 根据所给问句,选择正确的答句,将序号填在题前的括号里。 10分
  1.(   )Which class are you in ?      A.I am 9 years old.
  2.(   )How old are you ?           B. I want some fish for dinner.
  3.(    )What should I wear today?   C. I’m in Class 2 .
  4.(    )When is your birthday?      D. My birthday is in May.
  5.(    )What do you want for dinner ?E.You should wear your cap .

(  A  )1. A.dog      B.cat      C.rabbit        
(  A  )2.  A. feel     B. feet     C. foot
   (  B  )3. A.cap      B. cat     C. class      
  (  B  )4.  A. hair     B. hurt     C. head
   (  A  )5. A.June     B. July    C. January      
(  A  )6.  A. I        B. your     C. my
   (  A  )7. A.should   B. tomato  C. potato      
 (  B  )8.  A.meat      B.bread     C. some
   (  B  )9. A.arm      B. tail    C. turtle     
  (   A )10. A. year     B. wear   C.birthday
  ( A  )1. A. My name is Sue.      B. My family name is White.    
(  A )2. A. My hand hurts.      B. My arm hurts.                
(  B)3. A. I like my fish.                     B. I like my turtle.
 (   B)4. A. I want chicken and tomatoes.     B. I want cakes and milk.
  (  A )5. A. I wear my shoes and sweater.   B. I wear my cap and coat.
三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.10分
( T   )1. This sweater is made of wool
(  F  )2、Sheep give us cotton.
(  F  )3、My family name is sun
(  F  )4、What’s the weather like in beijing?
(  T  )5、When is your birthday?
(  1  ) This sweater is made of wool( 3  )What do you want for lunch?
( 7   ) I’m looking forward to seeing you ( 9   ) My birthday is in May.
(  10  ) what should I wear  ?   ( 6   )This dress is make of silk
(  5  ) My family name is Sun.  ( 2   )When is your birthday?.
(  4  ) What’s your family name?   ( 8   ) What’s the matter?
(  A ) 1. 1.you should wear your______
        A. sports shoes   B.shoes  C.sports
 ( A  ) 2. Whats your  ______?
        A. name   B.family name   C. his name
(  A ) 3. My ____ hurts.   
A. nose    B. foot    C. arm
( A  ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?
        A. come   B.go   C. run
(  C ) 5. Im _____  years old. 
         A. 10    B.9    C. 8
(  B ) 6.What do you want for  ____ ?
         A.lunch   B.breakfast  C. dinner
(   C ) 7.Do you like _____ ?
        A.meat    B.potatoes   C.chicken
(  A  ) 8.Plants  ____  us cotton
        A.give     B.gives       C.offer
(  A ) 9.I want some _____.
        A.meat  B.milk     C. potato
( B )10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?
A.look like B.like  C.likes
