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Book 1 Unit 3 Travel journal

1 imagine

 imagine +v-ing


I can’t ______  my  ______ a girl of that sort

2 choose chose chosen 

 have no choice but to do sth 除了干某事别无选择

She had no choice but ______away

go   B to go  C going  D to have go

3 persuade

Persuade sb to do=persuade sb into doing 说服某人做某事;

persuade sb not to do=persuade sb out of sth/doing 说服某人不要做某事;

Persuade sb of sth =persuade sb +that 从句 使某人相信;

①    While shopping people sometimes can’t help ______ into buying sth They don’t really need

  to persuade  persuading  being persuaded   D be persuaded

② Alice trusts youonly you can ______her to give up the foolish idea

suggest   B attract C  attempt  D persuade


The hunter ______us ______through the thick forest alone

4 insist

Insist 表达坚持主张时,所跟的宾语从句使用虚拟语气;表达坚持一种说法,看法或事实时,宾语从句使用陈述语序和相应的时态。

①    I insisted that a doctor ______ immediately

has been sent for  B sends for  will be sent for  D be sent for

② He came to my class every week but his attitude ______that he was not really interested

expresses  B described  explained  D suggested 

5 determine

Determine + n/determine to do/ determine +从句

Be determined to do 决心做

 determined  a 已下决心的(不在名词前);断然的,决然的

①______ to train his daughter in English he put an ad like this in the paper“______ an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl

Determined Wanted  B Determined Wanting  C Determine Wanted  D Determining Wanting


She  ______ ______ ______ go to university

6 fun

Make fun of 取笑    for fun 为了高兴,为了好玩

①______ at the seaside

How fun the children had  What a fun the children had  C How fun had the children  D What  fun the children had


It‘s not much ______going to a party alone

7 awake

①When do you usually ______ up

②    I s he ______or asleep

③    He lay ______ all night

④    They were making enough noise to ______ the dead

8 give in屈服投降让步

give away不小心透露,赠送,免费给予      give off 放出,散发(光,热,烟,气,味)

  give up 放弃,认输     give out  vt。分配,分发 Vi。(食物,燃料,电力) 用光,精疲力竭

①    Never ______ ______ the stugy of English

②    Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance but her trembling voice ______her ______

③    He may ______to my view

④    It is always the husband who ______ first when quarrel breaks out  between the young couple

⑤    Her patiece finally ______  ______

⑥    The teacher ______ ______ the exam paper

9 for one thing 。。。for another thing/besides on the one hand on the other hand

for one thing 首先。。。一则。。。,陈述两方面的情况常一致,常与for another thing/besides(再者,另一方面)呼应;      on the one hand on the other hand)常表达相矛盾的两方面

①______ she‘s well eduacated ______ she is pretty

On the one hand on the other hand   B for one thing for another  C On one hand but also

D On the one hand on another hand

②Tom works very hardHis brother ______does‘t do much at all

what‘s more  B on the contrary C for one thing  D for another

③ ______ the hotel is near the seabut ______it costs a lot

On the one hand on the other hand   B for one thing for another  C On one hand but also

 D On the one hand on another hand

10 care about 关心,对。。感兴趣;在乎

care for 喜欢,愿意,照顾

①    I don‘t  ______ what others think

②    She doesn‘t  ______ skating

③    I wonder whether they will  ______ us all to go there

④     The captain   ______ the safety of the crew

11 cost spend pay take 填空

①It ______ us two hours to finish the work

②    Tom ______a lot of money on books

③    The new bicycle ______ him 100 dollars

④    Mary ______ 200 dollars for the evening dress

⑤    I‘m ______much more time in listening now

⑥    The money I ______ for the service added up to1000dollars every year

⑦    It will ______ you 5dollars to fly to London

⑧    The car ______all his savings

⑨    The man got what he wanted which is at a ______of his own life and his family‘s happiness


Keys to exx:

1imagine …marrying  3 C / D / persuaded … not to walk 4 D/ D 5 A / was determined to 6 D / fun 7 wake / awake / awake /awake  8 give up / gave away / give in / gives in / gave out / gave out 9 B/ B /A 10 care about / care for / care for / care about 11 took /spent / cost /paid /spending /paid / cost / cost /cost
