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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)同步检测(附答案人教新目标)

1. 许多食盐             2. 许多西瓜             3.一杯酸奶           
4. 两勺蜂蜜              5.一些西红柿              6.许多奶酪         
A:How do you m ake fruit salad?
B:First __________ three bananas,three apples and a watermelon.Next __________ the fruit in a bowl.__________ put in two __________ of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt. __________ __________ it all up.
1.Dig a_________ for the tree.The hole should be _________enough, but not too __________.
2.Knock a __________ into the earth to keep the tree __________.
3.__________ the __________ back into the __________.__________ it __________ hard with your __________several times.
 4.__________ the tree well.
四、完形填空 In the morning, when the sun    2   i t begins to warm the land   3    the sea.The land  4   warm faster than the sea.So while the air above the sea is cool the air over the land   5  warmer.T he air   6  the land rises and the cool air from the sea moves   7   the land.
When evening comes,  8  the sea and the land become cool, but the land cools more   9   than the sea.The wind now changes   10   direction.
1.A.big   B.small    C.early   D.late
2.A.rises  B.rise    C.to rise   D.rose
3 .A.but   B.and    C.or    D.also
4.A.change  B.keeps    C.gets   D.feel s
5.A.grows  B.to grow  C.growing   D.grew
6.A.on   B.in    C.into    D.onto
7.A.into   B.in    C.towards  D.on
8.A.both  B.neither    C.either   D.all
9.A.slowly  B.quick ly   C.fastest   D.fast
10.A.its   B.it        C.its    D.it self

一、1.much salt 2. lots of watermelons 3. a cup of yogurt 4.two spoons of honey 5. some tomatoes 6. muche cheese 二、 peel up , put , Then spoons. Finally,mix 三、1.hole.deep big 2. stick, straight
3.Put , earth,hole. Push down , feet 4.Water 四、1-5 CABCA 6-10 ACABC

